Healing for Youth Exposed to Violence

Welcome, we are glad you are here. This site contains information, resources, tools and links, all designed to empower youth and support the people who care for and work with them. We hope you are able to access the information you need to make informed decisions and access the services needed to heal.

Linking Systems of Care for Ohio’s Youth (LSCOY) helps align all of the systems of care that respond to the needs of Ohio children, youth, families, and caregivers who have experienced victimization and/or been exposed to violence in their homes, schools, or communities.

LSCOY focuses on enhancing the identification, assessment, and treatment of victimized children and youth. We provide resources for victims and families, professionals, and a directory of resources available throughout the state.


For Victims

We know no one word can adequately describe every individual who has experienced violence. Some people identify as victims some identify as survivors of crimes or trauma. Some people do not choose to use a label. we use the terms victim and Survivor interchangeably and respect whatever term works best for you.


For Professionals

We seek to help professionals identify children, youth, and young adults that may have experienced trauma or a crime. We want to help professionals work better together to provide support, safety, healing and justice for youth and their families.