Staff & Stakeholders
The LSCOY Project Team
Project Leadership
LSCOY is directed by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office; managed by its partner, the Ohio Domestic Violence Network; and supported by the project’s academic research partner, the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University. The project encompasses a broad group of 121 stakeholders representing more than 75 state, regional and local organizations whose work affects outcomes for child/youth victims throughout Ohio.
Survivors and Families
From the project’s inception, the voice of survivors has been central to understanding the needs of children, families, and communities. The LSCOY Project created a dedicated workgroup of individuals who survived crimes during their childhood or who were protective family members, so that project decisions and actions were informed by those who have engaged with Ohio’s systems or sought help for young victims.
Much of the work done by the project is accomplished by the efforts of workgroups. In this final phase of the project, workgroups have been organized around the seven objectives identified in the Strategic Plan. Workgroup members are key stakeholder representatives and allied professionals.
Workgroup Leadership in the project has been provided by two of the funded entities (ODVN and Case Western), along with Key Stakeholder Representatives. Additional Workgroup Facilitators have come from the Akron Municipal Court; Nirvana Now!; Ohio CASA/GAL Association; Ohio Child Welfare Training Program; the Ohio Network of Child Advocacy Centers, and the Ohio Poverty Law Center.
Two committees have been convened to assist with the development of the pictorial screening tool and resource directory. Committees are chaired by project partners and comprised of key stakeholder representatives and allied professionals. As these items are developed, committees provide meaningful and timely input. Feedback is also sought from members of the Survivors and Families workgroup.
Federal Partners
The funding for planning and implementation was provided through a cooperative agreement with the supported by cooperative agreement number 2017-VF-GX-K003, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this product are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The Office for Victims of Crime, also provided cooperative agreements through the same grant program with three other Linking Systems of Care projects in Illinois, Montana and Virginia, and a technical assistance provider, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. A website showcasing the national effort and its many partners can be found here, https://www.linkingsystemsofcare.org/.
Our Staff
Nancy Radcliffe, BA, CA
Project Director
Ohio Attorney General’s Office
Alexandra “Allie” Cotten
Fiscal Manager
Ohio Attorney General’s Office
Lisa DeGeeter, J.D., CA, RASS
Family Systems Advocacy Director / Linking Systems of Care Project Manager
Ohio Domestic Violence Network
Maria York, MPA, RA
Family Systems Advocacy Assistant Director / Linking Systems of Care Project Coordinator
Ohio Domestic Violence Network
Megan R. Holmes, PhD, MSW, LISW
Associate Professor
Case Western Reserve University
Jennifer A. King, DSW, LISW
Assistant Professor | Case Western Reserve University
Stakeholder Organizations
A guiding principle of Linking Systems of Care requires that “all systems of care are connected and aspire to maximize collective impact through communication, collaboration, and coordination.” Given that, LSCOY brought together a broad group of more than 75 state, regional and local organizations whose work affects outcomes for child and youth victims throughout Ohio. LSCOY convenes representatives from these Key Stakeholder Organizations on a quarterly basis and seeks their participation in workgroups and other project activities.
The Center for Family Safety and Healing-Family Violence Research Collaborative
Cuyahoga County Witness/Victim Service Center and Family Justice Center
Legal and Other Private Practice Professionals
Private Attorneys for Survivors
Stop It Before It Starts
Survivors and Family Representatives